Saturday, February 20, 2016

Art 21 Post# 5: Kara Walker

Kara walker

Carl Walker is an artist that uses history gender race and sexuality throughout your entire work. In a very narrative format, she tells stories using silhouettes and the entire space around the audience, to make them feel a part of the scene. However a lot of her work does mostly depict scenes that are often The unpolite version of history, and will make the viewers uncomfortable. But that's what Kara wants. A lot of inspiration comes out of the 19th century particularly from the book, gone with the wind, where a certain scene is the main part of a focal point. She uses silhouettes so that her work can have an anonymous an vague feel of about it. Her main thing was taking fiction and portraying it has fact. I like walkers work because it has a very narrative quality to it, which I greatly enjoy. Overall she's on my favorite artists.

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